About us 

 Our VISION: To build a private healthcare system that guarantees customers FAST and QUALITY service. 

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Concerned by the growing number of people complaining about the poor service and reception they received in hospital, and the increasing number of “sick families”, Dr DJEUMO YOUMBI Aimé set up a project to manage family health, called VITALIAC SANTE.

The VITALIAC SANTE symbol - a family walking with a medical cross in the background - reflects the company's primary concern, which is to bring rays of vitality to families, so that they become an environment in which everyone can flourish.

In addition to the potential gains for the population, it should be noted that the evolution of society will increasingly lead to a deeper involvement of medical and health care staff in the health of families. This transformation of society will be driven by our personal motivation, based on our desire to have a positive impact on our environment, thanks to the diverse skills and knowledge we have gathered around our project.


Lack of RAPIDITY in care 

  • Difficult access to a general practitioner or specialist
  • A long wait before consultation          
Weaknesses in patient education, unfortunately sometimes resulting in delays of up to 3 days or more in consulting an important health service.
Inadequate storage of medical data, resulting in a loss of time in the elaboration of medical diagnoses with regard to the analysis of past history.
A sometimes lengthy turnaround time for results
Long delays in accessing care, despite diagnosis, sometimes due to financial barriers.

Poverty in the QUALITY of care 

  • Poor reception decried in health facilities
Poor medical follow-up for both acute and chronic illnesses
Lack of global medical care, which focuses on the physical aspects and often forgets the mental and social aspects.
The difficulty of communicating information to patients
Poor preventive and promotional care


  • Pauperization of healthcare workers in terms of working conditions
  • Lack of ongoing training for healthcare staff

Our MISSION: To manage patients' health through curative, preventive and promotional measures.

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E volution

VITALIAC aims to be an organization that evolves with the times and its environment, adapting its services to the needs of its clientele in order to achieve the main objective of healthy families.

S ecurity

We are committed to promoting and providing safe care and services for both our staff and our customers. Safety is the responsibility of us all. The fundamental nature of this right and expectation is precious.

P atient focus

We are committed to providing superior service, exceeding customer expectations and supporting our continuous quality improvement program.  

R espect of people

We are committed to treating our patients and their families with unparalleled compassion, dignity and respect. We listen to our customers and strive to meet their needs.

I ntegrity

We respect patient confidentiality and maintain integrity in achieving our goals.

T eam spirit

We recognize the importance of our people, their quality, diversity and contributions. We are committed to working as a team, collaborating and exchanging knowledge in order to share the same vision and achieve the same goals.

1st clinic to set up a patients' office


Driven by the vision of building a private healthcare system that guarantees a comprehensive health service, we couldn't do it without the full participation of those who benefit most from it.While reflecting on the needs of our clientele (remembering that we are both actors and beneficiaries at the same time), we have set up a patients' bureau, which is supposed to represent our clientele with a view to receiving criticism and proposals for specific medical services every year. For the year 2023, the said office is made up of 2 hard-working women who, lending their time and intelligence to accelerate the march towards the vision we have, also benefit from advantages within our establishment.

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