Informations sur le VITALIAC SANTE SARL instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Invoice Status Dashboard, Invoice unpaid, due, inpayment dashbaord
odoo app show Invoice Status Dashboard into accouting, Unpaid invoice , in payment invoice, paid invoice and due invoice dashboard and list, Invoice status due and unpaid dashbaord, Invoice dashbaord,
Des devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Suivez vos pistes et signez des opportunités
Site web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Bons de commande, conventions et accords
Organisez et planifiez vos projets
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Email Marketing
Concevez, envoyez et suivez des emails
Allouez des congés payés et suivez les demandes de congé
Suivez votre pipeling de recrutement
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Whatsapp sender
module for send whatsapp message in odoo.
Purchase Order On Project
Purchase Order On Project
Activity Management
Advance Activity Management and Dashboard View.
Advanced Dynamic Dashboard
Odoo Dynamic Dashboard, Dynamic Dashboard, Odoo Dashboard, Dynamic Dashbaord, AI Dashboard, Odoo17 Dashboard, Dashboard, Odoo17, Configurable Dashboard
Odoo 16 Full Accounting Kit for Community
Odoo 17 Accounting, Odoo 17 Accounting Reports, Odoo17 Accounting, Odoo Accounting, Odoo17 Financial Reports, Odoo17 Asset, Odoo17 Profit and Loss, PDC, Followups, Odoo17, Accounting, Odoo Apps, Reports
BH Auto Create User
Confirm/Cancel Multiple Sale and Purchase Orders
This module streamlines order management in Odoo by enabling users to efficiently confirm or cancel multiple sales and purchase orders simultaneously, improving workflow efficiency and saving time .Confirm Multiple Sale order. Cancel Multiple Sale Order. Confirm Multiple Purchase Order. Cancel Multiple Purchase Order. Mass confirm sale order. Mass confirm purchase order. Mass cancel sale order. Mass cancel purchase order.
Documents Knowledge
Bill Status on Purchase Order
Track and manage the billing status of purchase orders in Odoo, ensuring accurate financial records and timely payments.
Purchase Confirmation date
Purchase Confirmation date.The Purchase Confirmation Date module is a powerful enhancement for Odoo purchasing process, allowing businesses to define a custom confirmation date for their purchase orders (POs) and request for quotations (RFQs). By default, Odoo automatically assigns the current date and time when a user confirms a quotation, which can often cause confusion or misalignment with actual order timelines. This module solves that problem by giving users the flexibility to set a user-defined confirmation date upon confirming a purchase order, helping businesses better manage their purchasing processes and ensuring more accurate record-keeping.
Users Login History
This module tracks and records user login and logout history, providing detailed login activity reports for better monitoring and security.user login history, user logout history, user attendance, login activity, user monitoring, audit trail, user session tracking, Odoo security, login and logout records, system usage report, user behavior tracking, internal audit, activity report.
Employee Contract Reminder
This module will send an email to the employee when the contract is about to expire.
Hide Action Menu Buttons
This module helps you hide Action menu buttons based on model and group
HR Holiday Time Off Drafts
HR Holiday Time Off Drafts
Hide Powered By Odoo
Hide Powered By Odoo login screen, This module modifies the functionality of emails to remove the Odoo branding. With this module it is possible to hide the two promotional link in the Portal purchase invoice view. Hide Powered By Odoo On Settings.
Live WebCam Image | Image Widget
Allows to take image with WebCam[TAGS], web camera, web photo, web images, camera image, snapshot web, snapshot webcam, snapshot picture, web contact image, web product image, online mobile web image and product image.
Suivez les équipements et gérez les demandes de maintenance
Highlight Mandatory Field
This Module will help to customize mandatory fields in odoo
Management System
One2Many & Many2Many Clickable Tag Widget
Allow clicking many2many_tag to open related record's form in one click.
Sale Discount on Total Amount
Discount on Total in Sale and Invoice With Discount Limit and Approval
Sale Order Automation
Enable auto sale workflow with sale order confirmation. Include operations like Auto Create Invoice, Auto Validate Invoice and Auto Transfer Delivery Order.
User Activity Audit
Tracking user's create, write, read activities
Invoice Xlsx
This module allows to xlsx report of multiple Invoice from the tree/form view.
Mass Cancel Confirm Sale Orders
This module allows to Cancel or Confirm Quotations mass/bulk/multiple Sales Orders from the tree view.
Mass Cancel Picking
This module allows to Cancel or Set to Draft Picking.
Gérez et publiez une plateforme eLearning
Publiez vos événements, vendez vos tickets
Chat, passerelle de messagerie et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifiez des réunions d'employés
Live Chat
Discutez avec les visiteurs de votre site web
Envoyez vos sondages ou partagez-les en direct.
Organisez votre travail avec des mémos
Gestion des compétences
Gérez les compétences, les connaissances et le CV de vos employés
Emplois en ligne
Gérez votre processus de recrutement en ligne
Contrats des employés